Tuesday, April 19, 2005

People I like: Dragana

My Friend Dragana Posted by Hello

I am going to write about my friend. She is called Dragana and she lives in Valjevo near the center. She is a teenager like me and we go to the same school. She likes going out with friends, especially to the disco. She also likes to talk much on the phone and she always listens a lot to good music, such as that of Green Day. She hates selfish people and she does not like to study for school.
Dragana has got shoulder-length brown hair and brown eyes. She wears make up, especially when she goes out. She is quite short and slim. Most people think that she is a very good-looking girl. She is a very cheerful person and she loves smiling a lot. She is very outgoing and it seems that she knows hundreds of people. Also she is very stubborn and always needs to do things her way.
Most people like Dragana because she is very helpful. For example, she always gives good advice to people when they are down. She has a sister and it seems that she always quarrels with her.
What I especially like about her is her loyalty - she would never let you down.

-by Kristina R.


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