Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Leaflet by M.Sekulic Fin. Corr.


You will find the answer if you join Valjevo Chess Club.

Who are we?
Founded only a year ago, owing to a German Government donation, this new Chess Club already managed to provide challenging fun to some residents of Valjevo City.
Taking part in chess matches, people gain more than they could ever imagine. Busy brains and happy faces for sure.

Why join us?
- Membership is FREE .
-You don’t have to be a good player to join us and we also offer help for those who have never played chess before.
-Everyone is welcome, from 7 to 77, men, women or children
-We offer competitive atmosphere, especially trough collective matches which include all members’ activities.
-You can be a part of big national and international chess competitions.
-Matches are played in traditional way, but we also offer interactive cyber matches.
-Internet cafe service is available.

-Collective matches are held every second weekend.
-Once a month, we have domestic and international guests - famous chess players .
-National and international competitions are held once a year.
-At the end of the year, the most successful members are awarded.
-Juniors can make parties in the Club, especially after good matches.
Where and when do we meat?
You can find us every day from 8:00am - 8:00pm at Sindjeliceva 45, or simply visit http://www.valjevochessclub.org.yu/


Leaflet by D.Mihajlovic Fin.Corr.


The chess club “Murat & Lazar” was founded in 1390 in memory of the great Battle of Kosovo and its name comes from rulers who fought and died during the battle. It is the oldest chess club in Europe. Originally members met in a grand citadel located in Kosovo. Unfortunately this citadel was severely damaged during the First World War and totally destroyed during the Second. Since then the chess club has been moved to Belgrade.

# Members meet every Friday at 5 o’clock at Moscow hotel to practice for at least 2 hours
# Competitions are held every month with nearby cities (the best players have free access to the world cup)
# The club also offers to members an active social programme, including barbecues and pub crawls

Membership is open to everyone who has IQ over 70. One year membership costs only 100$. To apply you simply have to turn up at Moscow hotel reception and ask for the application form. All members have 10% lower prices for all drinks in the hotel. The atmosphere is quiet so all member can concentrate on the game.
Info tel. +00034 44 83 58 92

Character Reference by D.Mihajlovic Fin.Corr.

Natasha and I went to the same class in primary school. Later we also did work experience together in a local kindergarten. Natasha comes from a large family with a lot of children whom she had to look after as the oldest one in the family. Because of that, Natasha has become extremely agile in handling unexpected situations. Right now both of us are training to become primary teachers.

In the time that she worked in kindergarten Natasha proved to be flexible and patient in her relations with children. She was also very reliable and punctual. Soon she became very popular with children who liked her relaxed and friendly manner. She also proved to be creative in inventing new games to occupy children.

As a friend, I have always found Natasha to be honest and hardworking. She always acts in the best interest of others. Despite the fact that her room at college was not always very tidy her classroom, on the contrary, was the exact opposite.

When Natasha started her training at primary school, she had some difficulties in taking control over children. However, as soon as they got to know her better they calmed down and within a few days children started to respect and like her.

Natasha told me recently that she was looking to gain experience with children abroad, and as she speaks English perfectly, communication will not be a problem. It is clear from the job description that the post you are seeking to fill would suit her enormously. She would undoubtedly do an excellent job, and I have no hesitation in supporting her application.


The chess club “Murat I Lazar” was founded in 1390 in memoriam of a great battle of Kosovo and its name comes from the names of rulers that fought and died during the battle. It is the oldest chess club in Europe. Originally members met in a grand citadel located in Kosovo. Unfortunately this citadel was severely damaged during world war the first and totally destroyed during the second. Ever since then chess club has been moved in Belgrade.


# Members meet every Friday at 5 o’clock at Moscow hotel to practice for at least 2 hours

# Competitions are held every month with near cities (best players have free access to world cup)

# The club also offers to members an active social programme, including barbecues and pub crawls


Membership is open to everyone who has IQ over 70. One year membership costs only 1000$. To apply you simply have to turn up at Moscow hotel reception and ask for the applying form. All members have 10 percent lover prices for all drinks in hotel. Atmosphere is quiet so all member can concentrate on the game.

Info tel. +00034 44 83 58 92

Character reference

Natasha and I went in the same class in primary school. We also did work experience together in local kindergarten. Natasha comes from a large family, actually she has 15 brothers and sisters she had to handle as the oldest child in family. Because of that, Natasha became extremely agile in handling unexpected situations. Wright now both of us are training to become primary teachers.

In the time that she worked in kindergarten Natasha proved to be proved flexible and patient in her relations with children. She was also very reliable and punctual, and never late for work. Soon nnnn became very popular with children who liked her relaxed and friendly manner. She also proved to be creative in inventing new games to occupy children.

As a friend, I have always found Natasha to be honest and hardworking. She always acts in best interest of others. Despite the fact that her room at college wasn’t always very tidy her classroom, on the contrary, was complete opposite.

When Natasha started to work in school, she had some difficulties to take control over children. But as soon as they got to know her better they calmed down. Within few days children started to respect and like her.

Natasha informed me recently that she is looking for an experience with children abroad, and she speaks English perfectly. It is clear from the job description that the post you are seeking to fill would suit her enormously. She would undoubtedly do an excellent job, and I have no hesitation in supporting her application.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Leaflet by M.Sekulic


You will find the answer if you join Valjevo Chess Club.

Who are we?

Founded only a year ago , owning to the German Government donation, this new Chess Club already managed to provide challenging fun to some residents of Valjevo City.

Taking part in chess matches, people gain more than they could ever imagine. Busy brains and happy faces for sure.

Why joining us?

- Membership is FREE .

-You don’t have to be a good player to join us and we also offer help for those who had never played chess before.

-Everyone is welcomed, everyone from 7 to 77, (men, women, all together).

-We offer competition spirit especially trough collective matches which include all members activity.

-You can be a part of big National and International chess competitions.

-Matches are played in traditional way, but we also offer interactive cyber matches .

- Internet and cafe service is available.


-Collective matches are held every second weekend.

-Once a month, we have domestic and international guests-famous chess players .

-National and International competitions are held once a year.

-At the end of the year, the most successful members are awarded.

-Juniors ere granted to make parties in the Club, especially after good matches.

Where and when do we meat?

You can find us every day from 8:00h-20:00h at Sindjeliceva 45, or simply visit www.valjevochessclub.org.yu


Friday, May 02, 2008

Character Reference by M.Sekulic Fin.Corr.

I have known Jasmina Koprivica for almost two years as a colleague, and eventually she has become my friend. In that time she has shown enthusiasm and good working skills, especially persistence and punctuality, which gave made her a promising worker.

I can confirm that Jasmina has always been positive and devoted to her work. She is also tolerant and patient as a colleague and willing to give advice when it is needed. She has always proved herself to be extremely alert and discreet especially when it comes to company rules. That makes her a very reliable worker aware of the Code of Conduct. I also think she has excellent risk management skills. She always gives the impression that every problem can be solved and that it is only a matter of choosing the right solution.

Jasmina has excellent English knowledge and fluency in speaking so she can easily adapt in foreign surroundings. In October last year, she helped in convincing two EU companies to become our partners, and that was a really big success for our company. She proved in this way she could be an excellent negotiator.

The only weakness Jasmina has is that sometimes she can be rather obstinate. This can happen in communication with her director when she disagrees with him. However, I think this happens owing to her self-confidence which results from her considerable experience.

I believe that Jasmina Koprivica is a good candidate for the position of Vice President for Public Relations. My opinion is based mostly on the results she has made during her work in this firm, and also on the mental and physical energy which she passes on to other people.