Friday, May 02, 2008

Character Reference by M.Sekulic Fin.Corr.

I have known Jasmina Koprivica for almost two years as a colleague, and eventually she has become my friend. In that time she has shown enthusiasm and good working skills, especially persistence and punctuality, which gave made her a promising worker.

I can confirm that Jasmina has always been positive and devoted to her work. She is also tolerant and patient as a colleague and willing to give advice when it is needed. She has always proved herself to be extremely alert and discreet especially when it comes to company rules. That makes her a very reliable worker aware of the Code of Conduct. I also think she has excellent risk management skills. She always gives the impression that every problem can be solved and that it is only a matter of choosing the right solution.

Jasmina has excellent English knowledge and fluency in speaking so she can easily adapt in foreign surroundings. In October last year, she helped in convincing two EU companies to become our partners, and that was a really big success for our company. She proved in this way she could be an excellent negotiator.

The only weakness Jasmina has is that sometimes she can be rather obstinate. This can happen in communication with her director when she disagrees with him. However, I think this happens owing to her self-confidence which results from her considerable experience.

I believe that Jasmina Koprivica is a good candidate for the position of Vice President for Public Relations. My opinion is based mostly on the results she has made during her work in this firm, and also on the mental and physical energy which she passes on to other people.


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