Final T's Corr. of Is Stonehenge older than the first beings? by I.Pesic
I have just visited a magical place called Stonehenge that is, maybe, older than the first
beings.This ancient site is about 4500 years old. I think it would be very interesting for everyone to find out what is so special about Stonehenge
Fist of all, everything is made of stone. I bet you didn’t know that, apart from stone walls, remnants here include cupboards, bedstands and hearths all built from the same sandstone! The massive stone walls are forming a circle, which looks spectacular. People still wonder who built this huge monument and why. Was it Merlin? Were there aliens involved?
There is one thing I should warn you about. It's the weather. If you decide to visit this beautiful, open-air museum, make sure you choose a sunny and warm day. Otherwise, you'll get all wet and you'll be very cold.