Sunday, April 20, 2008

c.reference correction by marta s.

At the beginning I must say this assignment is a very difficult one because it requires opinion on my colleague as a worker, who is also my friend. So I will try to be as much objective as I can.

I have known Jasmina Koprivica for almost two years as a colleague, but eventually she became my friend. In that time she has shown enthusiasm and good working skills , especially persistency and punctuality, which made her a promising worker. My most recent contact with her was four days ago when she solved a big problem for our company making the situation less risky. It was all about identifying the certain problem and solving it immediately, which she did easily. So I think she is an excellent risk manager. She always gives the impression that every problem can be solved but it is only a matter of choosing the right solution.

I can confirm that Jasmina has always been positive and devoted to her work. She is also tolerant and patient as a colleague and willing to give advice when it is needed. She has always proved herself to be extremely alert and discreet especially when it comes to company rules. That makes her a very reliable worker aware of the Code of Conduct.

Jasmina has an excellent English knowledge and fluency in speaking so she can easily adapt in foreign surroundings, at some seminars or business trips. In October last year, she helped in convincing two EU companies to become our partners, and that was a really big success for our company. So she proved she could be an excellent negotiator.

The only weakness Jasmina has is that sometimes she can be rather obstinate. It can happen in communication with her director when she disagrees with him. But I think it is happening because she believes in herself which results from her big experience.

I believe that Jasmina Koprivica is a good candidate to be the Vice President for External Relations. My opinion is based mostly on the results she has made during her work in this firm, and also on the mental and physical energy which she pass on to other people. I am saying that as a colleague and as a friend and I am sure she will prove it.

Leaflet by M.Petric Fin.corr.

Welcome to the World of Chess

If you are really interested in chess, want to learn how it is played or you are an experienced player, you should consider joining our chess club.

Who are we?

When were we established?

-In March 1990, Sarah Turner, an excellent chess player, wanted to start a chess club to encourage more people to play this game or even enter some competitions.
-The president of the Leisure and Recreation department allowed her to use the city leisure centre for this purpose, so the club was finally established in June 1990.


-Right now there are exactly 133 members, but the number is getting bigger and bigger every day.
-There is no age limit - our youngest member is only 12 years old and the oldest one is 57. So, if you definitely want to apply and you are concerned about your age, do not be!


When do we meet?

-The club is opened every day from noon to midnight so even if you are work ,or still go to school, you can make it.

How do you become a member?

-We are available for everyone interested every Friday from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.-If it is easier fo you, you can simply call us. The number is 2003 13 08.
-Membership is absolutely free!


-The club organizes several competitions every month in all categories against other chess clubs from different towns.
- The ones who are members of the expert group enter a special competition and the best ones are sent to the international tournaments.

Why join the club?

-Every Wednesday we have a professional chess player as a guest, so you have a chance to play against the most experienced players in the world!
-The atmosphere here is great, you can make new friends and really improve yourself as a player. Who knows, you might become a new chess master!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Leaflet by M. Petric

Welcome to the world of chess

If you are really interested in chess, want to learn how it is played or you are an experienced player, you should consider joining our chess club.

Who are we?

When were we established?

-In March 1990, Sarah Turner, an excellent chess player, wanted to start a chess club to encourage more people to playing this game or even entering some competitions.
-The president of the Leisure and Recreation department allowed her to use the city leisure centre for this purpose, so the club was finally established in June 1990.
-Right now there are exactly 133 members, but the number is getting bigger and bigger every day.
-There is no age limit - our youngest member is only 12 years old and the oldest one is 57. So, definitely if you want to apply and you are concerned about your age, do not be!


When do we meet?
-The club is opened every day from noon to midnight so even if you are working, still going to school etc. you can make it.
How do you become a member?
-We are available for everyone interested every Friday from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
-If it is easier, you can simply call us. The number is 2003 13 08.
-Membership is absolutely free!
-The club organizes several competitions every month in all categories against other chess clubs from different towns.
- The ones who are members of the expert group enter a special competition and the best ones are sent to the international tournaments.

Why join the club?

-Every Wednesday we have a professional chess player as a guest, so you have the chance to play against the most experienced players in the world!
-The atmosphere here is great, you can make new friends and really improve yourself as a player. Who knows, maybe you will become a new chess master!

Character Reference by S.Kostic Fin.corr.

Tom Hutton is definitely one of my best friends, and I have known him since my childhood. Our parents are also very good friends so we have always spent a lot of time together. We went together to primary school, and now we are in the same secondary school, but unfortunately in different classes.

When Tom was young he was a really helpful person, and I remember he regularly helped me to tidy my room. Nowadays, if we accidentally get in some kind of trouble, he always knows what we should do. This is the proof that Tom is quite sensible and that he perfectly knows how to behave in different situations. I always remember him to be pretty talkative and gregarious – he is able to make friends in any social setting.

Tom is pretty good with children, and as he loves football very much, he often takes children from his neighbourhood to the pitch where he teaches them some new football techniques. Something that is even more important to mention is that he does not only show them how to improve their football skills, but teaches them not to cheat and be honest and good people as well. His patience also helps him in this work, and he told me several times, that unlike the majority of people, he enjoys answering never-ending children’s questions.

Last summer, he worked as an assistant in the local kindergarten which proved to be valuable experience. It is also worth mentioning that Tom's parents work very much, and he is used to doing everything in the house, so some light domestic work would be no problem to him.

I really think you should seriously consider Tom's application as he has more than enough skills and experience needed for this job.

Leaflet by S.Kostic Fin.Corr.


If you have a lot of free time, then you should really consider joining our chess club.

Who Are We ?

When were we established?

-In 1985, the President of Leisure and Recreation Department came to an idea of forming a chess club in our town.

-It took about 18 months for this project to be finished, so our club started working in the summer of 1987.

What do we do?

-The main purpose of this club is to help local people learn to play chess or to perfect their skills.

-As this club is the project of the local council everything is completely free and there are no additional fees.

Our members

-Our club currently has aproximately 70 members, with new members joining every day.



-The club is open every day from 5 p.m. until 10 p.m. and you are free to come anytime you want.

-Every Friday we have a special guest – often a chess player, who will teach some new chess techniques and play against any member willing to challenge the guest.

Joining the club

-Local people of all ages are welcome to join the club, and it is completely free

-To apply, visit us every Monday afternoon in our offices, or call 2403-23-23


-Our club organizes numerous competitions from professional ones to completely amateur competitions

-We even send our best members to international tournaments, and trips are funded by the local council.

Why Join the Club?

-The number of our members and the long tradition represent our quality.

-Attending meetings is not obligatory, so you don't have to change your schedule at all.

-Everybody interested should give it a try because it great fun, and a good opportunity to make new friends.

Leaflet by M.Perovic Fin.corr.

Founded by chess lovers, your neighbors and friends, Alisa Chess club is now reopening for all chess players. Sponsored by the City Council, Alisa Chess club is gathering all interested people for a major game of chess. As you know Chess Olympics are going to be held in our town next year and we will try to find the best opponents-winners for our guests.

Who are we?
The club was established in 2005, but unfortunately was closed for a couple of years. Now we will try to rejoin our old members and to discover a new prodigy. Some of our members are:

  • well-known Alisa Maric, after whom the club was called
  • even the most prestigious chess-player, Viswanathan Anand signed in as a member

Why join the club?
We offer to our members:

  • coaching for less skilled players
  • Internet matches in our high-tech Internet centre
  • well-stocked library with chess magazines, books and DVD

Our special offer includes:

  • every first Wednesday in a month competition will be organized and the best will be rewarded
  • free trips to tournaments in other towns

The club meets every Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the city leisure centre. Anyone wishing to become a member can:

  • come to the opening night on 29th of February and sign up
  • visit the web-site at and follow the instruction for joining
  • or just come, we are available every Wednesday for everybody

So, if you enjoy mind games and good atmosphere, we are welcoming all aged from 3 to 93. Membership is FREE!

Supporting us can provide finding a new chess master or maybe YOU ARE THE ONE!

2nd Corr. of Character Reference by S.Kostic

Tom Hutton is definitely one of my best friends, and I have known him since my childhood. Our parents are also very good friends so we always spent a lot of time together. After that we went together to primary school, and now we are in the same secondary school, but unfortunately in different classes.
When Tom was young he was really helpful person, and I remember he always helped me to tidy my room. Nowadays, if we accidentally get in some kind of trouble, he always knows what we should do. This is the proof that Tom is quite sensible and that he perfectly knows how to behave in different situations. I always remember him to be pretty talkative and friendly – he is able to make friends even with shop-assistants and he really gets on with his mail-man.
Tom is pretty good with children, and as he loves football very much, he often takes children from his neighbourhood to the pitch where he teaches them some new football techniques. Something that is even more important to mention is that he doesn't show them only how to improve their football skills, but he also teaches them not to cheat and to be honest and good people. His patience also helps him in this work, and he told me several times, that unlike the majority of people, he enjoys to answer to childrens foolish questions.
Last summer, he worked as an assistant in the local kindergarten which proved to be valuable experience. It is also worth mentioning that Tom's parents work very much, and he is used to doing everything in the house, so some light domestic work would be no problem to him.
I really think you should seriously consider Tom's application as he has enough skills and experience needed for this job, and he would also be very happy if he got it.

by Stefan Kostic

If you have a lot of free time, then you should really consider joining our chess club.

Who We Are?
When were we established?

-In 1985, the president of Leisure and Recreation department came to an idea of forming a chess club in our town.
-It took about 18 months for this project to be finished, so our club started working in the summer of 1987.
What do we do?
-The main purpose os this club is to help local people to learn to play chess or to perfect their skills.
-As this club is the project of the local council everything is completely free and there are no additional fees.
Our members
-Our club currently has aproximately 70 members, with new members joining every day.

Further Information
-The club is open every day from 5 p.m. until 10 p.m. and you are free to come anytime you want.
-Every friday we have a special guest – often a chess player, who will teach some new chess techniques and play against any member who is willing to challenge the guest.
Joining the club
-Local people of all ages are welcome to join the club, and it is completely free
-To apply, visit us every monday afternoon in our offices, or call 2403-23-23
-Our club organizes numerous competitions from proffessional ones to complete amateur competitions
-We even send our best members to international tournaments, and trips are funded by local council.

Reasons For Joining
-The number of our members and the long tradition present our quality
-Attending meetings is not obligatory, so you don't have to change your schedule at all
- Everybody interested should give it a try because it is a great fun, and a good opportunity to make new friends

by Stefan Kostic

/To whom it may concern/
Aleksandra Ilić

I have known Aleksandra Ilic for five years, both as a colleague and as a friend. We first met at a one-month computer course in Belgrade. Since then we have accidentally seen each other a couple of times, but then we met again when we applied for a teacher's job in a local kindergarten. We were both hired so working together for the past three years have made us really close friends.
Aleksandra regularly gives the impression that she knows what she is doing. She has always proved herself to be extremely dedicated to her work, truly reliable, hard-working and punctual. She even comes to work half an hour earlier every day, which is extraordinary. As a colleague she is likeable, friendly and polite. She is exceptional in her work with children. She knows exactly how they think and easily adapts to their level, so she is very liked and respected by them. Also, she knows how to handle some unexpected situations very well, for example when children start to scrap or fight. Furthermore, she always takes care of her niece or neighbour’s children when it is necessary and when she has time.
I regret having to say anything negative about her, but sometimes when she has some personal problems, she allows them to affect her job. Then she tends to be low-spirited and does not show a lot of enthusiasm for playing with children. On these rare occasions, however, all our colleagues and me succeed in making her feel better and putting a smile back on her face very quickly.
I believe it is clear from the reasons I have given that Aleksandra would be highly suitable for the post and that she would undoubtedly do an excellent job. I definitely have no reservations in supporting her application.

Letter of Reference by M.Perovic Fin.corr.

Milica, you will see that I have deleted some parts which are not relevant, or might be inappropriate for the purpose. I would also tend to mention only one of the two weaknesses.


/To whom it may concern/

Marija Ivanović

I have known Maria since she was a baby since I had to babysit her when I was a graduate student. As a child she was very curious and always eager to learn through games, which she has applied all her life because, coming from a large family, she has had to take care of her cousins.

Maria is a dedicated graduate student of the Faculty of Sports and in her spare time, during the winter, she is also a skating instructor, so her experience with children is considerable. Being the skating instructor has made her very considerate and she always takes good care of her students on slippery ice. Because injuries can sometimes occur to children she teaches, she has an excellent knowledge of administering first aid. With children she is very patient, creative and attentive. I can confirm from my own experience with children that she could not be more thoughtful and caring, as well as knowledgeable about millions of questions children happen to ask.

I regret having to say anything negative about Maria but she can sometimes be very bossy and strict with children. I think, however, that this can have a positive side to upbringing. Another weakness is that she can be occasionaly sloppy, but if she is assigned a scheduled task about work around the house this will not be a problem.

For all these reasons, and the opportunity to advance her education and future career in work with children, I can assure you that Maria will do an excellent job and I am pleased to recommend her.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Character reference v2 by M. Petric

I have known Aleksandra Ilic for five years, both as a colleague and as a friend. We first met at a one-month computer course in Belgrade. Since then we have seen each other a couple of times accidentally, but then we met again when we applied for a teacher's job in a local kindergarten. We were both hired so working together for the past three years made us really close friends.

Aleksandra always gives the impression that she knows what she is doing. That helped her in her studies and her job. She has always proved herself to be extremely dedicated to her work, truly reliable, hard-working and punctual. She even comes to work half an hour earlier every day, which is extraordinary. As a colleague she is very nice, friendly and polite.

With children, she is marvellous. She knows exactly how they think and usually behaves as a child too, so she is very liked and respected by them. Also, she knows how to handle some unexpected situations very well, for example some children's fights. Furthermore, she always takes care of her niece or neighbour’s children when it is necessary and when she has time.

I regret having to say anything negative about her, but sometimes when she has some personal problems, she allows them to affect her job. Then she tends to be sad and does not show a lot of enthusiasm for playing with children. When these rare occasions happen, all our colleagues and me succeed to make her feel better and put a smile back on her face very quickly.

I believe that it is clear from the job description that the post would suit Aleksandra enormously and that she would undoubtedly do an excellent job. I definitely have no reservations in supporting her application.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Leaflet for Chess Club by Milca Perovic


Founded by chess lovers, your neighbors and friends, Alisa-Chess club is now reopening for all chess players. Sponsored by City Council, Alisa-Chess club is gathering all interested people for a little game of chess. As you know Chess Olympics are going to be held in our town next year and we will try to find the best opponents-winners for our guests.

Who are we?

The club was established in 1945, but unfortunately was closed for couple of years. Now we will try to rejoin our old members and to discover a new prodigy. Some of our members are:

  • Well-known Alisa Maric, after whom the club was called
  • Even the most prestigious chess-player, Viswanathan Anand signed in as a member

Alisa chess club

Becoming a member

The club meets every Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the city leisure centre. Anyone wishing to become a member can:

  • come to opening night on 29th of February and sign up
  • visit the web-site and fallow the instruction for joining
  • or just come, we are available every Wednesday for everybody

So, if you enjoy mind games and good atmosphere, we are welcoming all of all ages from 3 to 93. Membership is FREE!

Why join the club?

We also offer

  • coaching for less skilled players
  • every first Wednesday in a month competition will be organized and the best will be rewarded
  • free trips for tournaments in other towns
  • Internet matches in our high-tech Internet centre
  • highly supplied library with chess magazines, books and DVDs

Supporting us can provide finding a new chess master or maybe YOU ARE THE ONE!

Character Reference v2 by Milica Perovic

I am honored to write you a recommendation letter for my niece, Maria Ivanovic. Since being my favorite niece, I hope this letter will not be too ­­­­­subjective.
I have known Maria since she was a baby, because I had to baby-sit her, when I was a graduate student. In that time she was a very quiet child and was not a problem to anyone. Being her babysitter was very pleasant. She was always eager to learn through games and very curiose. This kind of games she applied in her life,
through taking care of her cousins, because she is coming from a large family.
Maria is a dedicated graduate student of Faculty of Sport and in spare time, during the winter, she is also a skating instructor. So her experience with children is enormous. Being the skating instructor made her very considerate, she always must take good care of her students, on slippery ice. Because sometimes injuries can occur to children she teaches, she has an excellent knowledge of providing first aid. With children she is very patient, creative and attentive. I can confirm, from my experience with my children, she could not be more thoughtful and caring, but also knowledgeable for millions of questions children attended to ask.
I regret to say anything negative about Maria, only sometimes she can be very bossy and strict with children, but I think that can have a positive side to upbringing. The only weakness is she can be sloppy sometimes, but if she gets a scheduled task about work around the house this will not be a problem.
I believe that Maria is the best applicant. I can assure you, she will do an excellent job. This opportunity will give her a boost for further education, because work with children is her future.

1st T's Correction of Character Reference by M.Urosevic

Maja, here are some hints for correction. You should also paragraph your writing.

I have known Ljiljana Bozic since I was 10 years old. In that time we went in same class in primary school. Few years later she moved to foreign country. She lived in France for two years. During the time her stay in France we kept our contact. She returned in Serbia in 2nd grade of high school. After that we were even closer than before. She has 2 sisters and 2 brother. Ever since she was a child she proved herself to be very responsible and humbe. Since she is the oldest there was anticipation for her to be responsible. Her accountibility came out when she was very young. During her spare time she used to babysit her brothers and sisters. In this activity she showed many qualities which are related to contact with children. Her little brothers and sisters would be very interested in her stories and would listen to her very carefully. On the other hand_she knew to keep her rules respected and to keep obedience of children. Although I think she is very good with children, as every human being she also has a few negatives. The only weakness she has is lenience. But I have to point out, she is indulgent only when it is the talk about giving children candies. However I find Ljiljana is right person for this job, which is why I have no hesitation in supporting her application.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

1st T's corr. of Character Reference by M.Sekulic

At the beginning I must say this assignment is a very difficult one because it requires opinion of my colleague as a worker, who is also my friend. So I will try to be as much objective as I can.

I have known Jasmina Koprivica for almost two years as a colleague, but eventually she has become my friend. In that time she has shown enthusiasm and good working skills , especially persistency and punctuality, which made her very promising worker. My most recent contact with her was four days ago when she solved a big problem for our company making the situation less risky. It was all about identifying the certain problem and solving it immediately, which she did easily. So I think she is an excellent risk manager. She always gives the impression that every problem can be solved but it’s only a matter of choosing the right solution.

I can confirm that Jasmina has always been positive and devoted to her work. She is also tolerant and patient as a colleague and willing to give advice when it’s needed. She has always proved herself to be extremely alert and discreet_especially when it comes to company rules. That makes her a very reliable worker aware of the Code of Conduct.

Jasmina has an excellent English knowledge and fluency in speaking so she can easily adapt in foreign surroundings, on some seminars or business trips. On October last year, she helped convincing two EU companies to become our external partners, and that was a really big success for our company. So she proved she could be an excellent negotiator.

The only weakness Jasmina has is that sometimes she can be little obstinate. It can happen in communication with her director when she disagrees with him. But I think it is happening because of her faith in her experience and not because she is big-headed.

I believe that Jasmina Koprivica is a good candidate to be the Vice President for External Relations. My opinion is based mostly on the results she has made during her work in this firm, and also on the mental and physical energy which she possess and transmit to other people. I’m saying that as a colleague and as a friend and I’m sure she will prove it.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Character refferance by M. Urosevic

I have known Ljiljana Bozic since I was 10 years old. In that time we went in same class in primary school. Few years later she moved to foreign country. She lived in France for two years. During the time her stay in France we kept our contact. She returned in Serbia in 2nd grade of high school. After that we were even closer than before.
She has 2 sisters and 2 brother. Ever since she was a child she proved herself to be very responsible and humbe. Since she is the oldest there was anticipation for her to be responsible. Her accountibility came out when she was very young. During her spare time she used to babysit her brothers and sisters. In this activity she showed many qualities which are related to contact with children. Her little brothers and sisters would be very interested in her stories and would listen to her very carefully. On the other hand she knew to keep her rules respected and to keep obedience of children.
Although I think she is very good with children, as every human being she also has a few negatives. The only weakness she has is lenience. But I have to point out, she is indulgent only when it is the talk about giving children candies.
However I find Ljiljana is right person for this job, which is why I have no hesitation in supporting her application.

1st T's corr. of Character Reference by M.Petrić

I have known Aleksandra for five years, both as a colleague and as a friend. We first met at the one-month computer course in Belgrade. Since then we have seen each other a couple of times accidentally, but then we met again when we applied for a teacher's job in a local kindergarten. We were both hired so working together for the past three years made us really close friends.

Aleksandra always gives the impression that she knows what she is doing. That helped her in her studies and her job. She has always proved herself to be extremely dedicated to her work, truly reliable, hard-working and punctual. She even comes at work half an hour earlier which is extraordinary. As a colleague she is very nice, friendly and polite.

With children, she is marvelous. She knows exactly how they think and behave in the same way so she is very liked and respected by them. Also, she knows how to handle some unexpected situations very well, for example some children's fights. Furthermore, she always baby sit her niece or neighbour’s children when she has time.

I regret having to say anything negative about her, but sometimes when she has some personal problems, she allows it to affect her job. Then she tends to be sad and does not show a lot of enthusiasm for playing with children. In these rare occasions, all our colleagues and me succeed to cheer her up and put the smile back on her face very quickly.

I believe that it is clear from the job description that the post would suit Aleksandra enormously and that she would undoubtedly do an excellent job. I definitely have no reservations in supporting her application.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Character reference by Marta Sekulic

At the beginning I must say this assignment is a very difficult one because it requires opinion of my colleague as a worker, who is also my friend. So I will try to be as much objective as I can.

I have known Jasmina Koprivica for almost two years as a colleague, but eventually she became my friend. In that time she has shown enthusiasm and good working skills , especially persistency and punctuality, which made her very promising worker. My most recent contact with her was four days ago when she solved a big problem for our company making the situation less risky. It was all about identifying the certain problem and solving it immediately, which she did easily. So I think she is an excellent risk manager. She always gives the impression that every problem can be solved but it’s only a matter of choosing the right solution.

I can confirm that Jasmina has always been positive and devoted to her work. She is also tolerant and patient as a colleague and willing to give advice when it’s needed. She has always proved herself to be extremely alert and discreet especially when it comes to company rules. That makes her a very reliable worker aware of the Code of Conduct.

Jasmina has an excellent English knowledge and fluency in speaking so she can easily adapt in foreign surroundings, on some seminars or business trips. On October last year, she helped convincing two EU companies to become our external partners, and that was a really big success for our company. So she proved she could be an excellent negotiator.

The only weakness Jasmina has is that sometimes she can be little obstinate. It can happen in communication with her director when she disagrees with him. But I think it is happening because of her faith in her experience and not because she is big-headed.

I believe that Jasmina Koprivica is a good candidate to be the Vice President for External Relations. My opinion is based mostly on the results she has made during her work in this firm, and also on the mental and physical energy which she possess and transmit to other people. I’m saying that as a colleague and as a friend and I’m sure she will prove it.

Friday, April 11, 2008

1st T's corr. of Film Review by S.Kostic

A Film Review
''The last man on earth is not alone'' says the tagline of the Will Smith's newest film entitled I Am Legend, directed by Francis Lawrence, who before this project spent more time directing music videos for famous pop stars such as Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez.. This masterpiece is the real contrariety to a newer film called Doomsday 2012, signed by quite unknown director Nick Everhart who only recently started off in film industry by assisting on some low-budget projects.

I Am Legend tells the story of a middle-aged former military scientist, living alone in New York after a vaccine supposed to cure cancer turned into lethal virus which mutated and annihilated majority of mankind. He struggles, not only to find a cure but also to defend himself from Dark Seekers – deadly creatures made by the mutation. On the other hand, plot for Doomsday is taken from a well known ''prophecy'' fortold by the ancient Mayas more than 1000 years ago, announcing that the apocalypse will come on 21. december 2012. The main part is dedicated to several people felt that they should go to Mayan temple on Yuccatan penninsula to stop the armagedon, which is really uninventive and infantile in my oppinion. Excluding the great story, I Am Legend was implemented by new-generation special effects, and the way of filming is stunning which proves that director is a real talent. I was particuraly impressed with the intro scene which shows the ''Big Apple'' completely empty and owerflown with plants and fierce animals. On contrary, effects in Doomsday are rather poor and substandard, just like the acting which is uninspired, and word horrible isn't strong enough io describe it.

Finally, taking into account both budget and cast, if you had to choose between these two, I am confident you would have no doubt, as this could be freely described as the ''battle between David and Goliath'' with a slight difference – Goliath is the absolute winner here.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

1st T's Corr. of Letter of Reference by Milica Perovic

I must say that I am honored to write you a recommendation letter for my niece, Maria Ivanovic. Since being my pet in a family, I hope this letter will not be too ­­­­­non objective.
I have known Maria since she was a baby, because I had to baby-sit her, when I had been a graduate student. In that time she was a very quiet child and was not a problem to anyone. Being her babysitter was very pleasant task. She was always eager to learn trough games and very cruise. That sort of games she applied in her further life, trough taking care of her cousins, since coming from a large family.
Maria is a dedicated graduate student of Faculty of Sport and in a spare time, during the winter, she is also a skating instructor. So her experience with children is enormous. Being the skating instructor, made her very considerate,___she always must take good care of her students, on a slippery ice. Because sometimes injures can occur to children she teaches, she has an excellent knowledge of providing first aid. With children she is very patent, creative and attentive. I can confirm, from my experience with my children, she could not be more thoughtful and caring, but also knowledgeable for millions of questions children attend to ask.
I regret to say anything negative about Maria, but sometimes she can be very bossy and strict with children, but I think that can have a positive side to upbringing. The only weakness is sometimes she can be sloppy, but if she has been given a scheduled task about work around the house this would not be a problem.
I believe that Maria is the best applicant. I can assure you, she will do an excellent job. This opportunity will give her a boost for a further education, because work with children is her future.

1st T's Corr. of Film Review by Marija Petric

Love is all around us and it will prevail - this is the message of all romantic comedies. But it is incredible how some of them have amazing stories that can deeply affect you and the others have unbelievably absurd plots. Perfect examples of this are two films called Music and lyrics and 27 dresses.

Music and lyrics is a story about a charming pop star of the 80s called Alex who is, with the help of Sophie, trying to bring his fame back by writing a song for the most popular singer in the world. While writing these lyrics, they fall in love with each other and have to find their way to both success and love. What makes this lovely story truly perfect are Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore. They look very convincing playing love interests, the chemistry between them is very intense and they bring plenty of funny and amusing situations. Also, the story is well-structured, it has just the right pace. One more thing that you will certainly remember after watching the movie is tremendously good music - especially the main theme Way back into love.

The other movie called 27 dresses, even though it is from the screen writer of a great comedy Devil wears Prada, turned out to be rather disappointing. It is about a young woman called Jane who has been a bridesmaid on 26 different weddings and never a bride. Not until she meets Kevin on her sister’s wedding... The story, which is simple and a fairytale look-alike, could have been improved by choosing the right actors. Unfortunately, the performances of Katherine Heigl and James Marsden, newcomers in the world of acting, are pretty weak_unlike their colleagues’ in Music and lyrics. There is no chemistry between them which is a serious drawback in this type of movies. But, there is indeed something that is nice about this film - its excellent music and elegant costumes.

All in all, if you are a sort of person who likes romantic comedies, then you should really watch Music and lyrics which will make you smile and cry at the same time. As for 27 dresses, the decision is all yours...

Monday, April 07, 2008


Love is all around us and it will prevail - this is the message of all romantic comedies. But it is incredible how some of them have amazing stories that can deeply affect you and the others have unbelievably absurd plots. Perfect examples of this are two films called Music and lyrics and 27 dresses.

Music and lyrics is a story about a charming pop star of the 80s called Alex who is, with the help of Sophie, trying to bring his fame back by writing a song for the most popular singer in the world. While writing these lyrics, they fall in love with each other and have to find their way to both success and love. What makes this lovely story truly perfect are Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore. They look very convincing playing love interests, the chemistry between them is very intense and they bring plenty of funny and amusing situations. Also, the story is well-structured, it has just the right pace. One more thing that you will certainly remember after watching the movie is tremendously good music - especially the main theme Way back into love.

The other movie called 27 dresses, even though it is from the screen writer of a great comedy Devil wears Prada, turned out to be rather disappointing. It is about a young woman called Jane who has been a bridesmaid on 26 different weddings and never a bride. Not until she meets Kevin on her sister’s wedding... The story, which is simple and a fairytale look-alike, could have been improved by choosing the right actors. Unfortunately, the performances of Katherine Heigl and James Marsden, newcomers in the world of acting, are pretty weak unlike their colleagues’ in Music and lyrics. There is no chemistry between them which is a serious drawback in this type of movies. But, there is indeed something that is nice about this film - its excellent music and elegant costumes.

All in all, if you are a sort of person who likes romantic comedies, then you should really watch Music and lyrics which will make you smile and cry at the same time. As for 27 dresses, the decision is all yours...

by Marija Petric

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

1st T's Corr. of Character Reference by S.Kostic

Tom Hutton is definitely one of my best friends, and I have known him ever since. Our parents are also very good friends so we started getting together as soon as we were born. After that we went together to primary school, and now we are in the same high-school, but unfortunately in different classes.
From the early ages Tom was extremely helpful person, and I remember he always helped me to tidy my room. Nowdays, if we accidentaly get in some kind of trouble, he always knows what we should do. This is the proof that Tom is quite sensible and that he perfectly knoes how to behave in different situations. I always remember him to be pretty talkative and friendly – he is able to make friends even with shop-assistants and he really gets on with his mail-man.
Tom is extremely good with children, and as he loves football very much, he often takes children from his neighbourhood to playground where he teaches them some new football techniques. Something that is even more important to mention is that he shows them not only football skills, but also teaches them not to cheat and to be honest and good. His patience also helps him in this work, and he told me several times, that unlike the majority, he enjoys answering to childrens silly questions.
Last summer, he worked as an assistant in the local kindergarten what proved to be valuable experience. It is also worth mentioning that Tom's parents work very much, and he is used to doing everything in the house, so some light domestic work would be no problem to him.
I really think you should seriously consider Tom's application as he has enough skills and experience needed for this job, and he would also be over the moon if he got it.

Stefan Kostic